Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It's like they know me...

It all makes sense now. I just took the Myers-Briggs online type-indicator personality test. Turns out I am an INTJ. Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging. Man, whoever wrote that description knows me better than I know myself.

Also, my good friend who I love going on random walks and getaways to NYC with, who I always comment about how "we understand each other" is also an INTJ. So, of course we understand each other. The two of us help comprise the 1% of the population who are the "Mastermind" INTJs. Only 1 percent. Wow. We are a unique breed. I feel kind of special.

But it makes me wonder: maybe all of the people and their actions that I don't think make "sense" or consider irrational really aren't that off. Things that occur to me and bother me don't occur to other people. I the odd ball?

And for those who have to deal with me, here are some tips

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