Monday, August 18, 2008

Culture Shock

They warned us about this. But it is impossible to prepare for. Re-integration into American society after being abroad for 5 months.

The fact that I decided to come to New York City almost as soon as I came back has heightened this feeling. The speed of life is incredible. I sat outside the Chase building downtown watching swarms of people speed walking to and from who knows where, dressed for business. I couldn't help but wonder "what's the point." You all spend ridiculous amounts of hours each week sitting in front of computers, punching numbers, and for what? What are you contributing? Society can still run if everyone takes a break for a day.

I then remember that I used to be much more high-strung and fast-paced. The simplest things, the speed that I eat and walk have slowed down noticeably.

My outlook has changed as well. Chatting about the Olympics, my friend brought up the Spanish team that had taken a photo stretching their eyes to imitate Asians'. Six months ago I would probably have agreed with her that it was very offensive and inappropriate. Now, I find it ridiculous that a silly picture was made into such a big deal, when the intention wasn't to be offensive. Why this change? Perhaps it was because I have witnessed real racism. This photo seems so minuscule in comparison.

I appreciate these changes in myself. I have realized the need to slow down and enjoy life. Which may be one of the reasons I am dreading returning to Penn in a week and a half. I don't want the intense studies and setting to change me back...

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