"Dirty Jersey," "The armpit of America." I could care less about the nicknames assigned to the state of New Jersey. To me Jersey is a place of wonderful childhood memories: carefree running around, beach sisters, huge holes dug in the sand, crepe-paper decorated bicycles, parades, ice cream trucks, sandcastles, mini-golf, moving tides, fishing, dance routines, surries, Indian poker, librarian, shell in hole, hammocks, and walks on the beach.
Now, over a decade after those annual summer days at the beach house I was able to return to my childhood playground. Wonderful is the word I would choose to describe it. It would seem that we packed a lot into a day, but it was all done in a leisurely style. I brought 6 friends along with me via Philly Car Share to experience the shore at Beach Haven, Long Beach Island. We laid out on the beach, built a sandcastle, buried one of us, swam in the ocean, played mini golf, BBQ'ed, and to top the day off we went to Show Place, a musical ice cream parlor where the waiters match the wallpaper (aka - the best place in the world).
Another thing I noticed while returning to my roots: these people, this environment really contributed to who I am today. This somewhat surprised me - being away for so long. But as we went around the dinner table answering questions that bordered the line between interview/curious and interrogation, I found that my beliefs very closely matched those of my parents' old friends. I am finding out more and more everyday why I am how I am.
On another note: BEACH!!!
It all makes sense now. I just took the Myers-Briggs online type-indicator personality test. Turns out I am an INTJ. Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging. Man, whoever wrote that description knows me better than I know myself.
Also, my good friend who I love going on random walks and getaways to NYC with, who I always comment about how "we understand each other" is also an INTJ. So, of course we understand each other. The two of us help comprise the 1% of the population who are the "Mastermind" INTJs. Only 1 percent. Wow. We are a unique breed. I feel kind of special.
But it makes me wonder: maybe all of the people and their actions that I don't think make "sense" or consider irrational really aren't that off. Things that occur to me and bother me don't occur to other people. Sooo...am I the odd ball?
And for those who have to deal with me, here are some tips
Round trip Chinatown bus ride from Philly to NYC: $25.00
Crashing at a friend's dorm room: $0
Nighttime walk around Central Park: $0
Horse carriage ride for 4 people: $40
Improv Comedy show with audience participation for 3: $20
Picture with the Naked Cowboy in Times Square: $0
Eating out at NY restaurants: $50
6 ride Metro Card: $10
"Spontaneous" weekend getaway to an alternate reality: priceless
Ethnic restaurant of the week was probably one of the best ideas we've ever had. This week we decided on Kabul, an Afghan BYOB. It was sooooo good. I called in advance and reserved the taqh - which is a raised area with Afghan rugs and pillows. We removed our shoes and lounged on the cushioned floor around our "table" of a cloth in front of us, picnic style. It was a great experience. Dimmed lighting, with Middle Eastern music and a mural painted on the wall behind us really set the seen. And the food. Oh my goodness, the food was delicious. As we all took our first bites it was a murmur of "mmmmmms." I am still so happy at the thought of the food. The lamb was so tender, the saffron rice so sweet, the spices perfect.
It was a beautiful walk to the restaurant as well. Situated in old city right by Penn's Landing, it was a bit of a trek. However the city really seems to come alive in the summer. So many people were bustling about, and greenery lined the streets, really bringing out Philly's beauty that was hidden all winter.
I probably shouldn't have eaten my whole meal. I am quite full right now. But my goodness, do I feel yummy. I can't wait until next week. I wonder where we'll decide to go - the options are endless.
I remember having this conversation with a good friend from home. When we were younger, reading the American Girl books, Addy's stories were our favorites. We hated white people for doing such terrible things to the blacks, to Addy and her family. We didn't want to be associated with those mean, racist people. We wanted to suffer along with Addy.
I was reminded of this idea today. My boss was talking about the Odunde festival, so I decided to pay it a visit on my way to the Italian market, where I get my produce each week. As soon as I hit the area where the streets were blocked off I was immersed in culture. It was a great feeling. While my friends are either too busy, or too boring (just kidding) I wandered around by myself. I probably stood out like a sore thumb, but I didn't feel unwelcome. The streets were filled with different booths selling African and Caribbean artistry. While I was seriously considering beginning the practice of incense burning, I was overwhelmed by the smell of fried food. Fried chicken, fried fish, fried shrimp, french fries and funnel cake was everywhere - I almost felt sick, and decided to continue on down the rows. Many women were dressed in traditional African clothing, which set the scene. African dancing to drums was taking place on the stage. Everyone was celebrating the culture, their heritage, everyone was a part of a greater community.
This is why I love Philly so much. There is such an array of ethnicities and cultures. Sometimes I wish I was a part of one, instead of just a Caucasian mix. Or that I knew more about my own heritage. African-Americans from all different parts of Africa and the Caribbean had such a bond, such a rich culture. But it works for me right now to just stand back and absorb it all. Take the spirit into my own heart. I plan to explore other parts of Philly. But, right now, I better start studying for that midterm tomorrow.